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Lead generation campaigns will fail if you ignore these four things

Generate as many leads as possible. It’s the classic KPI for digital marketing teams. As an agency, we get countless briefs from clients for lead generation campaigns, but often without the strategic foundation to make them successful. The problem with this approach is that these campaigns will inevitably fail.


So, before you launch your next lead generation campaign, take the time to consider these points.

1. Objectives and priorities

Generating leads is not a clear objective. When clients say that this is their objective, it brings up a whole host of questions:

  • What kind of leads?
  • What do you define as a ‘lead’?
  • Do you want a volume of contacts, marketing-qualified leads (MQLs), sales-qualified leads (SQLS), or all three?

Defining the objectives up-front will help determine the tactics and budget allocated to the campaign.

Priorities are also very important. You might want MQLs and SQLs, but a high number of contacts is the top priority for this particular campaign.

  1. Be clear.
  2. Set a number of leads as a goal.
  3. Prioritise the objectives.
  4. Test and learn for the next campaign.

2. The next step after the form fill

A reader sees your amazing ebook promoted online, goes to your website, fills in the form, downloads the ebook… and then what? Ask yourself what you want to happen to that data.

God forbid it sits dormant in a database without any further interaction. Before starting lead generation campaigns, set up a nurture stream, create a path to the sales team or add the contact to a newsletter program. Plan to do something with that data or the lead generation will all be a waste.

3. Sales Engagement

If leads are heading their way into your CRM, it’s a good idea to get sales onboard. For this to be truly successful, there must be communication and collaboration.

Consider creating a sales cheat sheet with a summary of the campaign content, how this relates to your products and services, and talking points for the sales team so they approach the leads generated in the most effective way.

4. GDPR considerations

With GDPR fast approaching, it’s important to think carefully and strategically about opt-ins and consent. Make sure all new forms on your website are GDPR compliant to avoid a headache in May 2018. Alternatively, you can prepare by setting up an opt-in campaign for a future date.

Miss this step and all your precious leads will be useless once the regulations come into effect.

These are just a few of the things that can help to make your lead generation campaigns a success. Like any marketing endeavour, a strategic approach with proper planning and foresight will put you in good stead to get results.

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