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Best practices for configuring your new work management platform

If you’ve invested in a work management platform and want to know the best ways to configure it to achieve optimum results, you’re in the right place. Configuring your new platform not only involves setting it up using the requisite tools and customising roles and functions but also constitutes the process by which you ensure that your operations run as smoothly and efficiently as possible.

Understand the system

Before diving in, clicking buttons, and changing settings, the first thing to do is understand the system. Many work management platforms come with an array of features. It’s vital to identify which ones are necessary for your team and which ones you mightn’t need.

Don’t shy away from the platform’s user guide or any available tutorials. These resources are there to ensure you get the most out of your purchase. The more you understand the features and capabilities of your chosen platform, the more confidently you’ll be able to customise it to your requirements.

Involve your team early on

It’s a best practice to involve your team in the process of configuration early. They will be the end-users, after all. When they are part of the selection, setup, and configuration, it helps in two ways. One, you can understand their work requirements better, and two, they become familiar with the product sooner, which reduces the overall learning curve. Implementing the platform won’t seem like a dictatorship, but rather a collaborative effort.

Assign roles and permissions

Another critical aspect to consider when configuring your work management platform is the assignment of roles and permissions. Roles should be assigned based on the positions each team holds within the organisation. Those at the managerial level should have more permissions and access rights than their subordinates. Furthermore, you might want to consider setting limitations to ensure not everyone has extensive access, leading to potential misuse of the platform.

For every role, there should be clear descriptions of what they can or cannot do on the platform. Be transparent and make sure everyone knows their respective roles to prevent any potential clashes.

Data Migration

In most cases, companies aren’t starting from scratch. They usually have data stored on another platform that needs to be transitioned over. This task must be conducted meticulously to ensure no valuable information is lost in the process. Thorough mapping of where each data point will go helps alleviate data migration challenges.

Aim for simplicity

Start with the basics and gradually add complexity. A simple configuration fosters a high adoption rate among your team members. Moreover, it makes it easier to understand the functionality of the platform while reducing the likelihood of errors. Start gradually introducing more complex elements once your team becomes familiar with the initial setup.

User training

Training your team to use the platform is as important as how well you configure it. Regardless of how effectively it’s set up, if your team can’t use it optimally, the platform won’t deliver the expected benefits. Training sessions can be as simple as in-person meetings or as complex as virtual tutorials.

Evaluation and adjustments

No system is perfect from the start. Your first configuration setup likely won’t be your last. It would be best if you were evaluating the system constantly. Request feedback from your team members, address the issues, and adjust accordingly.

Integrations with other software could also be improved over time. Some platforms don’t play too nice with others, so you have to be aware of potential compatibility issues.

In conclusion, it’s essential to remind yourself that the goal here is to improve work management, not make it more convoluted. A work management platform should meet your unique needs and therefore must be configured accordingly. Keep the line of communication open with all stakeholders and take feedback seriously. Ultimately, the effectiveness of your platform rests on observation, feedback, tweaks and patience.

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