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Salesforce CRM implementation for Hong Kong law firm

In the fast-paced world of legal services, efficiency, accuracy, and client satisfaction are paramount. This case study delves into the transformative journey of a 100-person law firm in Hong Kong, which partnered with our management consulting firm to implement Salesforce, revolutionising their operations and client interactions.

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Technology Advisory
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Case Study

In the fast-paced world of legal services, efficiency, accuracy, and client satisfaction are paramount. This case study delves into the transformative journey of a 100-person law firm in Hong Kong, which partnered with our management consulting firm to implement Salesforce, revolutionising their operations and client interactions.


Our client, a prominent law firm specialising in corporate law and litigation, had been facing challenges in managing their extensive client base and caseloads. Their legacy systems and manual processes were no longer sustainable for their growth and client-centric approach.


  1. Data Fragmentation: Client data was dispersed across various systems, making it challenging to maintain accurate client profiles.
  2. Workflow Inefficiencies: The firm’s processes were predominantly paper-based, resulting in delays and bottlenecks in document sharing and approvals.
  3. Client Engagement: The client struggled to maintain personalised client relationships and track client interactions effectively.
  4. Reporting and Analytics: Extracting actionable insights from their data proved difficult due to the lack of centralised reporting tools.


Our team recognized that Salesforce could be the catalyst for transformation. We developed a comprehensive implementation strategy tailored to the law firm’s unique needs.

1. Data Centralization: Salesforce was configured to centralise all client data, ensuring real-time access for attorneys and support staff. This single source of truth streamlined operations and enhanced data accuracy.

2. Workflow Automation: We automated numerous manual processes, including document generation, approvals, and task assignment. This not only accelerated workflows but also reduced the risk of errors.

3. Client Engagement: Salesforce’s robust CRM capabilities enabled the firm to personalize client interactions. With client profiles accessible at their fingertips, attorneys could offer tailored legal advice and services.

4. Reporting and Analytics: Custom dashboards and reports were created to provide instant insights into caseloads, billable hours, and client satisfaction. This empowered the firm to make data-driven decisions and optimize resource allocation.

Implementation Timeline: 

The Salesforce implementation was executed in phases over six months to minimize disruption to the firm’s ongoing casework.


The results of the Salesforce implementation were transformative:

1. Streamlined Operations:

  • Document processing time reduced by 40%.
  • Workflow automation led to a 30% increase in overall operational efficiency.

2. Enhanced Client Engagement:

  • Client satisfaction scores increased by 25%.
  • Attorneys reported a 15% reduction in time spent on administrative tasks, allowing them to focus more on client needs.

3. Data-Driven Decision Making:

  • The firm experienced a 20% increase in billable hours.
  • Revenue growth of 15% due to better resource allocation and client targeting.

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